Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First CMJ 236 Blog - Introduction

So I don't know how to write in a blog; whether it's supposed to be formal or informal, letter form or just simple writing form, but here is my first go at it. The basics about me are that my name is Jordan Swerid, I'm a young freshman here at Orono. Journalism has always been something that has interested me growing up but it wasn't necessarily targeted in world news but rather in sports journalism. So although I have an interest in journalism, I don't have much of a background in world news... Especially in American news since I used to live in Canada. I believe this course will help me a lot in my major, Communications, and my future in whichever field I end up in. So I am excited to learn a lot in this course and hope to end up with a good grade in the end!

Jordan Swerid

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