Thursday, March 25, 2010

Black Bear Club Football Meetings

Jordan Swerid
March 25, 2010

On Thursday March 18, 2010, the Maine Club Football Team held its annual Club Meeting in 117 Donald P. Corbett Hall on The University of Maine Campus. The meeting was composed of two separate sections; the first was a “new member information session” from 7:00-7:45 p.m. Not all members of the Club Football Team attended, however many veterans did come to the first meeting to talk to the new recruits. The second meeting was the Club Administrative Meeting. This second meeting was when almost the entire Club Football Team presented themselves. The Club Administrative Meeting is considered to be the most important meeting of the year and was heavily encouraged for all players to attend.
The Maine Football Club is a full-contact, regular football program. Last year they played in a league named the NEFL2 where they had a 5-1 winning record in the regular season. Unfortunately, the Club Black Bears lost in the first round of the playoffs in a very disappointing loss. Discussed in the Club Administrative was the option of playing in an “All-Collegiate” Club Football Decision. After a team vote, The Club Black Bears decided to be in the Yankee Collegiate Football Conference, an all-college division of the NEFL. They will be playing teams like The University of Vermont and Sacred Heart in 2010.
There were also a variety of position/administrative changes in the Club Black Bear Staff this year. These include:
President - Mark Ensworth
Vice President - Brett Davison
Secretary - Joseph McCarthy
Administrative Assts - Steve Siviski and Wyatt Johansson
Public Relations Director - Brandon Chandler
Media Relations Director - Joshua Lewis
Marketing Director - Dan Moriarty
Club Accountant - Matthew Finer
All men are prepared and excited to help the team out this year and work on having a successful year. New Secretary, Joseph McCarthy, had this to say about the upcoming season, “We had a very good year last year but we came up empty. It will be nice to start fresh this year and have an extensive role in the team this year as Secretary.”
One of the most exciting moments in the meeting was when Brett Davison, Mark Ensworth, and Coach Eric Whitman stood in front of team and showed off the new white and baby blue “road jerseys.” The men left the floor during a standing ovation. Another equipment change included half black Nike socks to “officially” be part of their uniforms for the fall and are mandatory to be worn and purchased at players' expense by all players.
To conclude the meeting, there was an extensive debate about the coach for the 2010 season. It is expected that Coach Eric Whitman will continue duties for another year, however, Dan Moriarty made a solid presentation and applicants are currently being considered.
The Maine Club Football Team is already excited for next season and is itching for the Fall Semester to start so they can get back on the field. Media Relations Director, Joshua Lewis said, “All students and staff of the University of Maine and everyone in the surrounding areas should come to the games and cheer on the boys. It’s a great way to spend a fall night and the boys play harder when the fans are there screaming their names. So come on down to Morse Field this fall and watch the very talented Maine Club Football Team.” The team sounds prepared and ready to go; come support the Black Bears this Fall.

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