Friday, April 9, 2010

UMaine Vandalists 11-1

A problem that seems to be progressing as the cold winter nights leave the students at The University of Maine is vehicle vandalism. Since the months of January and February have quickly passed by in the beginning of 2010, more and more people have been walking around the streets with different objects used for vandalizing peoples cars. Whether it be car paint for writing profanities or knives for slashing tires, the vandals have been recently doing work on The University of Maine campus. There has not been a pattern regarding a specific time or day of the week that the vandalisms have been striking. The incidents have been scattered through a couple of recent months. I recently read an in depth analysis of a police file related to car vandalism that occurred on April 6, 2010 at 11:39 p.m. in the Hilltop Parking Lot.
The car that had been vandalized was a red, four-door, 2004 Peugeot 406 ST D9. The license plate of the car was 4569 RD (Maine Plate). The vandalism that occurred included profanities sprayed on the front and side windows of the Peugeot along with a loss of air in the tires. The car paint was colored in blue and yellow paint. The car owners name was left undisclosed and the vandals have yet to be found. If you have any information or evidence of who may be committing these crimes, the UMaine PD would be interested in hearing from you.
There are five important facts to follow if your car has been vandalized. The first is to keep your information data handy. Make sure you have your insurance company phone and policy number with you at all times. Include with it your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and license plate number. The second is to call the police. The third includes contacting your insurance company immediately if any damages have occurred. They will take down relevant information and guide you as to what to do. Make sure you ask them any question you may have, such as towing or rental car needs. The fourth step is to make sure you document everything. Every little bit of information is important and worth documenting. And finally, the fifth step is to remain calm. You may feel extremely disrespected and almost violated, but getting worked up will get you nowhere.
In conclusion, if you have information regarding vandalism, as stated before, report it to the UMPD. Also, follow the five important steps if it happens to you. Leave valuables out of your vehicle and try to park where your car faces the street, or at least as close to eye-view as possible.

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